"A wonderful, sensitive pianist... An eclectic and mesmerising programme... Thoroughly recommended." [Elmslie House]
Chris Long BA Hons, MA, Cert Ed.
- Pianist, composer & arranger, ensemble director, musicologist, music educator and producer.
- Performer, collaborative pianist and accompanist in the UK and across Europe.
- Teaches piano, composition, improvisation privately and for the Elgar School of Music, Worcester.
- Musical Director (with Paula Evans) of Vocal High, celebrated Tribe of Songsters from Worcestershire, UK
Chris qualified as Magister Artium (MA - Music Composition) in 1998,
going on to oversee and teach on the BTEC & A Level Music Courses at Stratford-upon-Avon College for 18 years.
He has a large cohort of ex-students from this time, who are now working professionally as musicians, sound engineers, composers, creatives,
and in music management; he also has a large cohort of current piano students of all ages and abilities.
Chris's popular monthly eclectic 'sonic odyssey' series of concerts , 'Pianoscapes', has been running since Sept 2017
and continues to entertain, provide solace, challenge and edify (January 2025's concert will be no.73).
Chris has produced over 200 self-made films of his own music, including online concerts,
which can all be viewed on his YouTube channel;
as well as copious self-produced albums of compositions and improvisations from the many projects
in, and on, which he has worked over the past 30 years.
Appreciation of Chris's work in any of the formats that it appears - live, recorded, written, visual or audio -
can be shown by clicking on the button below - thankyou!
- Pianist, composer & arranger, ensemble director, musicologist, music educator and producer.
- Performer, collaborative pianist and accompanist in the UK and across Europe.
- Teaches piano, composition, improvisation privately and for the Elgar School of Music, Worcester.
- Musical Director (with Paula Evans) of Vocal High, celebrated Tribe of Songsters from Worcestershire, UK
Chris qualified as Magister Artium (MA - Music Composition) in 1998,
going on to oversee and teach on the BTEC & A Level Music Courses at Stratford-upon-Avon College for 18 years.
He has a large cohort of ex-students from this time, who are now working professionally as musicians, sound engineers, composers, creatives,
and in music management; he also has a large cohort of current piano students of all ages and abilities.
Chris's popular monthly eclectic 'sonic odyssey' series of concerts , 'Pianoscapes', has been running since Sept 2017
and continues to entertain, provide solace, challenge and edify (January 2025's concert will be no.73).
Chris has produced over 200 self-made films of his own music, including online concerts,
which can all be viewed on his YouTube channel;
as well as copious self-produced albums of compositions and improvisations from the many projects
in, and on, which he has worked over the past 30 years.
Appreciation of Chris's work in any of the formats that it appears - live, recorded, written, visual or audio -
can be shown by clicking on the button below - thankyou!
Website navigation: the 'Menu' icon is in the top left of this page.
For information on 'Pianoscapes', head back to 'menu' button at top of website, and go to 'Pianoscapes' page...
L a t e s t N e w s. . .
[16 January 2025]
Website update coming soon!
E n d O f 2 0 2 4 . . .
Click here for tickets -
E v e n O l d e r N e w s. . .
Posted 3rd November
A feast of music!
On Saturday 19th Oct our various vocal groups performed in a 3-hr extravanganza raising over £700 for Pershore Welcomes Refugees and Pershore Community Cupboard, two charities close to our hearts.
Vocal High were performing NEW ARRANGEMENTS by Yours Truly - including classic Kate Bush and ELO numbers in our 'uniquely VH' style... Plus I played a solo piano set, did two duets with Paula, and there was a set by Pete and Jen from Kings of the Quarter Mile. It was a very special afternoon! |
O l d e r N e w s. . .
Posted 1st October
A contrast of concerts coming up...
Friday 4th OctoberFree improvisation sextet Taverner's Teapot will be performing this coming Friday(4th Oct), with Yours Truly on keyboards and 'stuff'...
Here we are as a trio, exploring sound using the human voice and some digital and analogue bits and bobs (this is an edit from a longer piece - check out the crossfade c.3 mins in!). On Friday we will be joined by drums, bass & sax. Not to be missed! "Free your mind (and your ass will follow)..." PS: 'Cabaret-stye' seating for the gig - bring your own refreshments! |
The incomparable Tarantara will be out for their first concert of the season, with myself at the keyboard... A wide-ranging programme of music including the evergreen Bohemian Rhapsody, music by Eric Whitacre, Elgar, Elton John and more... It was most humbling to be 'the main feature' in the new edition of the Friends Newsletter - here below is the excellent piece written by Mike... |
O l d e r N e w s. . .
Posted 21st September
PIANOSCAPES #69 - tomorrow (Sunday 22 Sept) pm. Not only is it the autumnal equinox but it's the 150th birthday of Gustav Holst, composer of 'The Planets'. Cosmic or what?
Live music = soul food: expect improvisations, music of the spheres, music by Arvo Part, Keith Jarrett, Mozart & beyond..and Holst... and premieres from my new album recorded in Ireland just a few weeks ago. Oh yeah - and CAKE. What's not to like??
New album - 'Downstairs at Mickey's' - chrislong3.bandcamp.com/album/downstairs-at-mickeys
O l d e r N e w s. . .
Posted 12th July
Lots of updating to do, with pix to follow - until then, a quick summary of the past few weeks -
- gigging this weekend in South Wales with Tarantara!
- great fun gigging / flashmobbing in London 2 weekends back with Vocal High and Chaps Choir - premiering my new arrangements of songs by Kate Bush, ELO and others...
- very much enjoyed working with Dunstan Bruce (of Chumbawumba) at unlikely crematorium performance of 'Tubthumping'! [1st July]
- looking forward to late July recording day with improvising collective 'Tavener's Teapot', to be followed by October gigs...
- lovely evening of music with some of my piano students last Friday, at our 'sharing of work' - great end to fantastic term of teaching in which I've guided students through Grades 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & 8 AND A level Performance work... and just 'playing for pleasure', of course...
- off to Ireland at end of July - yahey!
- off to Turkey at end of August - double yahey!
Tickets for Pianoscapes can be purchased via this link - www.wegottickets.com/event/620308/
Grand times were had this weekend (15th & 16th March) with our good friends Ben and Dom (a- capella harmony vocals) and Paula & Cerys (voice) and Tim (guitars, electronics)... 2 evenings of diverse and magical music - songs by Kate Bush, Karine Polwart, Yes, Lady Maisery, Ben & Dom originals... Trad.... electronic improvisations, e-bows and Eventide Harmonisers... and mind-blowing Hildegarde-inspired sonic excursions. Both gigs were sold out - and to the most lovely of audiences. Friday night house concert at the beautiful Old Vicarage in Pershore; Saturday night at the glorious Stanbrook Abbey. From intimate to cosmic. Massive thanks to all who came and shared (and hosted) the experiences... And thanks to all who contributed their photos and bits of footage after the event too! |
Early rehearsals -
2024 - How did that happen? So we find ourselves in 2024, in a far-flung future unimagined by the most visionary of dystopian-imaginers from the previous century... It's a strange and dark place to be, but there is still beauty in the world and a lot of it takes the form of music - thank goodness! I'm looking forward to a busy season of live music as we go into the new year: here are some of the dates and events - Jan 28th - Pianoscapes 63, St Andrews Centre, Pershore Feb 10th - Tarantara, URC, Stratford-upon-Avon Feb 18th - Piano Recital @ Arrow Village Hall, Warks Feb 25th - Pianoscapes 64, St Andrews Centre, Pershore March 15th - Ben & Dom & Chris & Paula, The Old Vicarage, Pershore March 16th - Ben & Dom & Chris & Paula, The Great Hall, Stanbrook Abbey, Worcs March 24th - Pianoscapes 65, St Andrews Centre, Pershore April 19th - Vocal High in concert-Pershore High Schl. April 27th - Tarantara, Aston Cantlow |
Reclaiming The Enigma
One of my projects for 2024 is to finish preparing The Enigma Variations for performance. I've been playing bits of on-and-off for as long as I can remember. Being a 'Worcestershire Boy' I've got a range of personal connections with this music that date back to my earliest musical memories. Elgar wrote the piano arrangement himself, and I've lost count of the number of times I've played Nimrod at funerals, concerts... even at a 'salon soiree' at Britannia Square, back around 1985, at the invitation of one of Elgar's nieces...
But - Elgar and this music are 'pillars of the establishment' and redolent of Empire: this is a problem for me. Nimrod, and the rest of Enigma, can never be heard now without a whole lot of jingoistic 'baggage' that the music has accrued since its first outing in 1899, and that I certainly was oblivious to when I first came to this music as a child with innocent ears in the 1970s. There's a conflict between the Edwardian Royalist social climber that Elgar was, and... er... me. I'm not a fan of imperialism and could be said to have a few anti-establishment tendencies...! Maybe it's naive, but I want to present this music on its own terms somehow, free of any 'Imperialist' connotations - how I first heard it... hmmm... therein lies my challenge. Is it possible? Expect first performances in the second half of 2024, and see how you feel about it... |
The music of KomitasSince discovering this music last November - by chance - thankyou, Spotify! - I've had in mind to create opportunities to present some of his "Pieces for Voice & Piano" with my friend Rouzbeh Parsa, player of the kamancheh (Persian violin). I heard these pieces in the arrangements by A.Gabrielian for violin and piano; I suspect scores won't be easy to find - but I have found a score for the original songs, scored for voice. So I feel some transcribing / arranging coming on...
Komitas is quite a guy, it seems - Wikipedia tells us "Soghomon Soghomonian, ordained and commonly known as Komitas (1869-1935), was an Armenian priest, musicologist, composer, arranger, singer, and choirmaster, who is considered the founder of the Armenian national school of music. He is recognized as one of the pioneers of ethnomusicology... Komitas is widely seen as a martyr of the genocide and has been depicted as one of the main symbols of the Armenian Genocide in art..." It feels timely to me to have discovered his music now. I'm hoping to present these pieces with Rouzbeh alongside my transcriptions of some of Keith Jarrett's Book of Ways [read more in the Blog on this website], and amongst improvisations that we will perform in the moment (examples of which can be heard on my Bandcamp page - link is at the top of this homepage). The album that I heard, with the piano-violin arrangements, is 'Komitas: Piano and Chamber Music', performed by Mikael Ayrapetyan and Vladimir Sergeev - highly recommended! |
Here's a recording of the February Pianoscapes (no.64b!)
...And here are recordings of the previous Sunday (18th Feb)'s concert -
Performances October-December 2023
7 Oct - Tarantara - Leamington Spa Bowls Club
15 Oct - Pianoscapes #60, Pershore
21 Oct - Tarantara - St Mary's Church, Moseley
18 Nov - Tarantara - St Peter's Church, Inkberrow
19 Nov - Pianoscapes #61, Pershore
24 Nov - Vocal High - Winter Warmer, Pershore
3 Dec - Broadway Singers - Winter Concert, Childswickham
9 Dec - Vocal High and Feel Good Chorus - Afternoon Delights, Huntingdon Hall, Worcs
9 Dec - Tarantara - Christmas Concert - St Marks, Leamington
16 Dec - Tarantara - Christmas Concert - St Andrew's Church, Shottery, Warks
17 Dec - Pianoscapes #62, Pershore
15 Oct - Pianoscapes #60, Pershore
21 Oct - Tarantara - St Mary's Church, Moseley
18 Nov - Tarantara - St Peter's Church, Inkberrow
19 Nov - Pianoscapes #61, Pershore
24 Nov - Vocal High - Winter Warmer, Pershore
3 Dec - Broadway Singers - Winter Concert, Childswickham
9 Dec - Vocal High and Feel Good Chorus - Afternoon Delights, Huntingdon Hall, Worcs
9 Dec - Tarantara - Christmas Concert - St Marks, Leamington
16 Dec - Tarantara - Christmas Concert - St Andrew's Church, Shottery, Warks
17 Dec - Pianoscapes #62, Pershore
16th October - Memorable musical moments in yesterday's Pianoscapes...
A fantastic audience with an age-range from 17 to 93...!!
My favourite bits of feedback -
A fantastic audience with an age-range from 17 to 93...!!
My favourite bits of feedback -
C o m i n g U p . . .
O l d e r N e w s. . .
More End-of-Term Moments...
19 July 2023
Fab singouts with Paula and our various singing groups - Vocal High last night, in The Star -
and the combined voices of Sing For Health and the Feel Good Chorus last Saturday, at Pershore River Festival - during some very exciting weather! And not forgetting our impromptu Shanty-singing group - henceforth to be known as 'Press-Ganged!'
Good times also last Friday night at the Elgar School of Music in Worcester - several of my students put on a fine evening of piano music. An inspirational sharing of our love for the instrument and what it can do... Soul food & brain food in equal measure! Splendid photos by Paula.
Norfolk-ing about....
11 July 2023
... with Tarantara - a flashmob in Norwich town centre on Saturday, and a beautiful evening concert in St Peter and Paul's in Salle - 15th C church with Anne Boleyn connections... What an incredible building, and a stunning acoustic!
Here comes the end of term...
6 July 2023
I thoroughly enjoyed playing at another wonderful wedding last week with our fabulous Gaggle of Sonsgters Vocal High - photos can be viewed on the VH website www.vocalhigh.com. We also had a concert with our lovely group the North Cotswold Singers, at St Mary's Church in Childswickham last Saturday... Great fun was had!
The next fortnight brings more music: this weekend I'm in Norfolk, playing for Tarantara at a Norwich flashmob and a concert in Salle; next Friday my students have a presentation at the Elgar School in Worcester; On Saturday 15th Paula and I will be showcasing our lovely group The Feel Good Chorus at the RiverFest in Pershore; and Sunday 16th is Pianoscapes #59. Keeping busy! Hopefully see you at one or more of these events?
Congrats to Hayder!
26 June 2023
I really enjoyed working with H on putting together the 3 accompanied songs for his Grade 8 Singing exam - the results of our combined performances speak for themselves...
Concerts in June....
18 June 2023
A fabulous wedding gig on the 11th with our lovely songsters Vocal High...
The same evening - a splendid evenings music, accompanying Tarantara in Pebworth...
And last night (17th) - a concert for Refugee Week - again, with our Tribe of Singers Vocal High...
'The Sound Collector' episode 25 - The One with the Piano
5 June 2023
The episode that I recorded for Eagle vs Bat a few months back finally aired on ITVX this morning, and very charming it is too! Do have a look - www.itv.com/watch/the-sound-collector/10a1670/10a1670a0025
Accompanying - some recent engagements -
Robert - Oboe - DipABRSM (Oboe Concerto (Marcello), & pieces by Grovlez, Nielsen and Handel)
Hayder - Singing Grade 8 ABRSM - Distinction / Evan - Violin Grade 8 ABRSM - Distinction / Sian - Violin Grade 7 (Merit) / Lucia - Cello Grade 6 ABRSM
Alice - Singing Grade 2 ABRSM / John - Clarinet Grade 4 Trinity
Ottilie - Violin - Bromsgrove International Musicians Competition (Bartok, Schubert)
Ottilie - voice - Worcester Competitive Arts Festival - Pop and rock songwriters class @ The Marrs Bar
Tarantara - choir and soloists - concerts at Vale Golf Club; St Nicholas, Alcester; Bidford-on-Avon, Pebworth and Salle, Norfolk
Vocal High - choir - double-bill concerts with Chaps Choir at Pershore Abbey & St Swithuns Worcester
Student exams - some recent ABRSM results -
Holly - Piano Grade 6 (Distinction) / Matt - Piano Grade 2 (Merit) / Matt - Piano Grade 3 (Distinction) / Sol - Piano Grade 6 / Paul - Piano Grade 5 / Chloe - Grade 2 / Louise - Piano Grade 6
Concerts in 2023
(as of 2 Feb)
Evelyn Glennie and 'The Sound Collector'...
24 April 2023
Rather chuffed to have been asked to transcribe my mate Tom's composition for Dame Evelyn to play, for Eagle vs Bat's award-winning children's TV series 'The Sound Collector' ... (in one episode of which I make a piano-appearance, incidentally!)
16 April 2023
Our choir Vocal High have recorded our first album! Yesterday at Vada Studios was a fantastic day, filled with such positive energy and good vibes... and brilliant music-making! Thanks to Matt, Sam & George at Vada for making it such a groovy day... and that piano - what a pleasure to play! The album will (hopefully) be for sale at our forthcoming gig weekend in May - see higher up the page for dates, tickets etc.
9 Jan 2023
Here's a reminder of what our wonderful choir VOCAL HIGH got up to last year - quite a lot, when you add it all up...!
15 Dec
Busy times! I'm hoping to update the website next week, with news for 2023 and with photos from recent events... until then, here's a quick update -
Remaining concerts for this year:
Vocal High in Hallow on Friday night! Promises to be a magical evening of winter song - get your tickets here - www.vocalhigh.com/
Tarantara in Shottery on Saturday night! A Christmas celebration from Warwickshire's celebrated concert of voices - get your tickets here -www.tarantara.org.uk/
Pianoscapes in Pershore on Sunday afternoon! A journey into the dark heart of winter - live piano music with seasonal refreshments - get your tickets by emailing me - [email protected]
Other news -
A new three-track album of improvisations by myself and Rouzbeh Parsa is available for download from Bandcamp! Recorded at the recent concerts with Vocal High and Sisters of Sound, these beautiful pieces represent the only combination of these 2 instruments (piano and kamancheh) that I am aware of... the conversation continues, and the river runs deeper... Check out the Bandcamp page.
On Boxing Day Paula and I (and the mutts) are off to the Outer Hebrides - to recuperate, to record new music and to paint, and to plan musical projects for 2023. Hoping to see the Northern Lights... bring it on!
Winter season - concerts:
Oct 15th - Tarantara @ Norton Lyndsey
Oct 21st - Vocal High @ Hallow Social Club
Oct 29th - Tarantara @ Tardebigge
Nov 19th - Tarantara @ Bishop's Tachbrook
Nov 20th - Pianoscapes #52
Nov 25th - Vocal High & Sisters of Sound w. Rouzbeh P@ Pershore Abbey
Nov 26th - Sisters of Sound w. Rouzbeh P. @ The Guild Chapel, Stratford-upon-Avon
Dec 10th - Tarantara @ Wooten Wawen
Dec 16th - Vocal High @ St Philips & St James, Hallow
Dec 17th - Tarantara @ Shottery
Dec 18th - Pianoscapes #53
O l d e r N e w s. . .
Great times were had at The Miller's Arms in Pershore on Oct 18th - a Vocal High rehearsal for our gig last Friday (21st) at the Social Club, Hallow... which was another great night. Here's a pic of me an' George, from the 'aftershow party' - it was a late one - quite an evening!
July 2022
Evesham Journal, pg 27 -
"A highly successful concert to welcome refugees into Evesham Vale took place in All Saints Parish Church on Friday July 22nd. 150 people including refugees from Iran, Syria, Sudan and Afghanistan attended and enjoyed some wide–ranging music from Vocal High, the choir based across Pershore and Worcester.
The event was organised by Evesham Vale Welcome Refugees (EVWR), in co-operation with Vocal High, a choir which has already raised over £11,000 for charities serving Ukrainian refugees. All Saints offered their premises free, and provided warm hospitality for the event. Among the contributors was Mr Rouzbeh Parsa, a virtuoso on the kamancheh, or Iranian violin. His improvised solos were an example of the kind of impact refugees can make in our community.
However Mr Parsa, like a number of those present, has now been waiting six months for an interview to help determine his asylum status. He has now become a member of a local church, like several of his countrymen, which sadly makes it difficult and dangerous for him to return to Iran. EVWR is urging our local MPs to press the Home Office to get on with its responsibility of assessing the thousands of asylum cases which are awaiting determination. Most refugees just want to work, and contribute to a country which offers them safety.
Some of the families located in one of the local hotels have already said they have received such a warm welcome in Evesham they would like to stay in our area. It is time for empty houses and other properties to be brought into habitable accommodation. They are saying, ‘Evesham would be a great place to live, people have been really friendly. Refugee children are now in local schools. I hope the Home Office deals with our cases very soon, so we can get to work and repay the support we have had so far’. "
Fabulous concert with Vocal High last Friday (8 July) -
update on 30 June 2022
On tour in Scotland with Tarantara this weekend!
Upcoming gigs with Vocal High -
Vocal High Ukraine Fundraiser 3 - Pershore Abbey, 20th May
Another amazing night, and a privilege to be a part of this superb sold-out event that was attended by locals and folk from further afield, as well a newly-arrived Ukrainian family and a group of Iranian refugees too. Incredibly, we received over £1000 donations on the night, in addition to the £5K already raised through ticket sales and donations - just for this 3rd concert. Proceeds will go to Refugease. www.refugease.org/. Big Cred to Paula, Vocal High, Excelsa Voces and our friend Rouzbeh Parsa. Many thanks to all who came and supported this vitally important fundraising activity. Here are some pix - taken during the rehearsals before the audience arrived!
Vocal High Ukraine Fundraiser 2 - Stanbrook Abbey, 30th April
What an amazing night this was. Very proud to have put this next phase of our Ukraine Fundraiser project together with Paula - the combined forces of Vocal High, Sisters of Sound (the next level for Excelsa Voces) and our friend Rouzbeh Parsa (playing Iranian fiddle - kamancheh) made for a fabulous evening of musicmaking. Many thanks to all who came and supported this vitally important fundraising activity.
Excellent photos and footage by Max Nutbeem - check out the film (below) of my improvisation with Rouzbeh at the start of the second half of the concert. |
24th April - PIANOSCAPES 46 - 'The Music of Silence Part 2'
I so enjoyed this performance: working on Mompou's 'Musica Callada' has been a profound journey of discovery,
and it's wonderful to now have all 28 pieces in my life.
You can hear the concert here -
and it's wonderful to now have all 28 pieces in my life.
You can hear the concert here -
10 April: proud to have been a part of this Ukraine fundraiser last Thursday - accompanying Tarantara in their first concert with new musical director Linnea Markgren.
A very healthy £2,678.91 was raised!
Pianoscapes 46: 'Silent Music Part 2' is coming..... 24th April
Email me for tickets - [email protected]
Preparations are underway... music by Vaughan Williams and Federico Mompou -
All of my 'Pianoscapes' videos from 2020-2022 are now available to be enjoyed FREE on Youtube!
Concert for Ukraine - March 4th 2022
Our concert fundraiser for Ukraine, in Pershore Abbey on Friday 4th March, raised c.£5000 - thankyou to everyone involved!
We're doing a second concert on 20th May. Tickets are selling fast so get yours now - head over to www.vocalhigh.com
We're doing a second concert on 20th May. Tickets are selling fast so get yours now - head over to www.vocalhigh.com
O t h e r N e w s . . . (Feb 2022)
'Pianoscapes' concerts will take place in Pershore on
20th February, 20th March, & 24th April
22nd May, 26th June & 24th July
I'm looking forward to presenting all 4 books of 'Musica Callada' ('Music of Silence')
by Federico Mompou, alongside a range of other beautiful and fascinating pieces of music.
For more information, see the 'Pianoscapes' page on this website.
For updates and reflections on the process of preparing this music,
see the Blog page on this website.
For tickets: email [email protected]
New album - 'Afore We Go' - released on Bandcamp on 31st December 2021
3 piano improvisations recorded last August on the sale of Berneray in the Outer Hebrides...
23rd Dec: Thanks to everyone who supported live music in the form of our winter gigs!
It's been a privilege and a pleasure to play for so many people,
and to continue to share the power of music in these strange times.
December's Pianoscapes can still be viewed on Youtube -
'buy me a coffee' and send me an email, and I'll send the link :-)
Here are a few pictures from December's concerts. Looking forward to More Music in 2022...
October / November
Great to be back to concerts! 3 in one weekend - with Vocal High on the 15th October, with Tarantara at the Vale Golf Club on the 16th (the first concert for them since lockdown began!), and my own Pianoscapes in Pershore on 17th.
I managed to fit in a refreshing & inspiring trip to Brussels to visit Eldest Son, before this week's 3-day residency at the Worcester University Graduation receptions (2-4 Nov) - great fun (on both counts)! Now back to teaching my lovely cohort of students, and preparations for November & December performances...
O l d e r N e w s. . .
Singing is back!
29th July: It's been great working with our various vocal ensembles over the past few weeks. Our own choir www.vocalhigh.com in particular - we gave our Summer concert on July 17th, to a very appreciative audience, and followed this up with an appearance last weekend at the Three Choirs Festival at Worcester Cathedral...
And last week Tarantara www.tarantara.org.uk reconvened after 16 months and 47 Zoom rehearsals, for our first live rehearsal of 2021. Great music was made! We already have 5 concert dates in the diary between now and Christmas, plus a 3-date Scottish tour lined up for 2022... It's great to have live music back.
...on which note, Pianoscapes #40 is scheduled for Sept 5th in Pershore - see the 'Pianoscapes' page on this website and get your tickets now!
Pianoscapes #39 -
the American edition - was live online on July 4th.
"Wow Chris, just watched yesterday's Pianoscapes & loved every minute of it. Sublime jazz pieces & Gershwin - what more could I ask for... really loved the programme & listening to you play"
It can now be viewed on Youtube -
as usual, for a 'ticket' just 'buy me a coffee' here - www.buymeacoffee.com/chrislongmusic - then email me ([email protected]) and I'll send you the link :-)
20th June:
Great fun this week being 'musician in residence', to all intents and purposes - on the team of pianists for the 4 Worcester University Graduation days for students who completed last year but had to postpone the awards ceremonies due to Lockdown. |
Pianoscapes # 37 - May 2nd
I really enjoyed presenting this programme of music on Sunday 2nd May - the Kemble piano is always a pleasure to play, and the electric harpsichord is rather fun too (used for the Morris tune 'Mr Isaac's Maggot')! And some great music which is very rewarding to work on and perform (pieces by King Crimson, Dave Smith, Keith Emerson, Scriabin...)
If you missed the concert you can still access it via my Youtube channel. Feel free to 'Buying Me a Coffee' (yellow button above)!
If you missed the concert you can still access it via my Youtube channel. Feel free to 'Buying Me a Coffee' (yellow button above)!
Two launches, 1 weekend...
March 26th: It is with great pleasure that I can announce 2 new releases this weekend - first, the latest video by our ensemble Vocal High www.vocalhigh.com - our version of 'Hope Is Before Us' by Lady Maisery, celebrating the arrival of Spring and the gradual emergence from lockdown - and return to live music! On which note -
- this weekend also sees the release of the first Pianoscapes album - drawing on improvisations and compositions from concerts 5, 8 & 10 (back in 2018) - which can be found on Bandcamp (see link above & below). Lots to enjoy - please do!
- this weekend also sees the release of the first Pianoscapes album - drawing on improvisations and compositions from concerts 5, 8 & 10 (back in 2018) - which can be found on Bandcamp (see link above & below). Lots to enjoy - please do!
'PIANOSCAPES Vol 1' chrislong3.bandcamp.com |
So many pianos, so little time...
March 23rd:
Thanks to all who came along online to share the music in yesterdays Pianoscapes. It was a real pleasure to play a range of pianos this time - in particular, the restored Bechstein and Bluthner grands, and a new shiny Hoffman (also Bechstein)... different sounds for different pieces of music. Many thanks to Neville & Dawn at Craycombe Pianos for hosting the event. I topped and tailed the concert with performances from back home in the front room, adding yet another piano into the mix (and guest appearance by Mara!)... Thanks as ever to Paula for sterling and creative camerawork, and infinite patience! Here's a snippet for your delectation; and if you missed the concert you can still view it online - just hit the 'buy me a coffee' button above and drop me an email. |
Spring Equinox: Pianoscapes 36 is coming!
March 21st is the date, Craycombe Pianos (Fladbury) is the place - via wherever you may happen to be.
Get your ticket for this unique performance by simply buying me a coffee and sending me an email... it's easy!
Get your ticket for this unique performance by simply buying me a coffee and sending me an email... it's easy!
Old music, new videos... and the next gig
15th Feb: Here's a couple of recent recordings. Firstly (left) a trio of pieces by Chick Corea, who passed away last Friday... RIP, Master Musician!
Secondly (right), a recording I made of a piece that I wrote way back in 1989... Enjoy.
Secondly (right), a recording I made of a piece that I wrote way back in 1989... Enjoy.
The next Pianoscapes concert will be live online on March 21st -
from Craycombe Pianos (Pershore) showroom!
2 0 2 0 i s o v e r !
Congratulations to us all for making it through the year.
What a year it's been. We've all been put to the test... And we've all learnt a great deal, about who we are as a species and what we value in our lives. Fortunately Paula and I have managed to keep the music alive, in the form of online and real concerts, with both 'Pianoscapes' and our amazing choir 'Vocal High'.
The December concerts for both can be enjoyed by following the links below.
Meanwhile - the next 'Pianoscapes' concert will be on January 24th - I hope you can make it!
All three live autumn concerts were sold out, and, as before, tickets in 2021 will be limited...
so please get in touch to secure your attendance.
O l d N e w s. . . 2020 and backwards
LAST FEW tickets available - email [email protected].
October 25th: This month I've been (a) teaching my lovely piano students, (b) accompanying (flute exams - which gave me the opportunity to fulfill the long-held ambition (30 years?) to play Poulenc's Sonata (1st movement, anyway!) (c) co-running our marvellous choirs (Vocal High, Tarantara and U3A groups) on Zoom AND for real - in The Shed! (d) getting ready for 'Pianoscapes' on Nov 1st. I've been inspired by the solo fiddle pieces in Aidan O'Rourke's '365' project to create a couple of accompaniments for his playing, and I'll be playing these next Sunday. Here's a sneak preview -
Back from the Isles, and into September...
September 13th: The big news is that Pianoscapes is back! See the 'Pianoscapes' page on this site.
A great time was had in Orkney, during our 2-week stay last month; below are a couple of piano improvisations recorded at The Space on Rousay.
Since we've been back we've completed the new Vocal High video and had a series of alfresco rehearsals with the choir, which have been great fun -
Here comes August...
August 2nd: Last weekend I had the pleasure of presenting July's 'Pianoscapes', featuring my interpretation of 'Fracture' (King Crimson, 1974) - I am humbled to say that no less a personage than the wonderful Robert (Fripp) himself - the composer of the piece - gave the performance his blessing and encouragement. 'Fracture' is considered by guitarists to be 'unplayable', but for the adventurous pianist it presents a wide range of exciting and formidable, but not-insurmountable, challenges. I'd been working on it daily since the start of July, and although there is still much fine-tuning to be done, I was pleased with its first outing. It's an exercise in 'building tension in the telling of the musical drama' - conveying that creeping dread that builds, and builds, and is finally unleashed into the hell-for-leather LH/RH polyrhythms and never-ending Devils Staircase of the final moments - without allowing the build of tension in the performer - physical or adrenalin-fuelled. Many head-games to manage!! Many thanks to Robert for sharing the video on his FB page 2 days ago: as of today, viewings have rocketed to 1,578 with 70 likes, and there are some lovely comments including 'Awe inspiring', 'Man with two brains!' and 'Congrats on a great rendition of what must be a bugger of a piece'... True, dat! I'm looking forward to including it in live concerts when we finally get back together...
The programme also featured (amongst other things) a favourite Scarlatti sonata, a favourite Graham Fitkin piece, and a request by me Ma... The whole can be enjoyed via the links below. Huge thanks as always to those who came along and received the music. And there's always room for more of those that enjoyed it to chuck a few pennies in the hat!
The programme also featured (amongst other things) a favourite Scarlatti sonata, a favourite Graham Fitkin piece, and a request by me Ma... The whole can be enjoyed via the links below. Huge thanks as always to those who came along and received the music. And there's always room for more of those that enjoyed it to chuck a few pennies in the hat!
Paula and I have been Zooming relentlessly since lockdown began (don't we know it! Phew!), and in particular we've been working hard with our vocal ensemble Vocal High. Lots of new repertoire has been learnt and a range of online video projects have been realised - a productive few months, in the face of adversity! Over the past couple of weeks we have managed to bring some of the choir together in an outdoors environment to rehearse In the Real - it's been great, a partial return to normality. Hopefully all choirs will soon find ways to recommence working and singing together. Here are a few superb photos from last week's rehearsal, taken by Max -
What's next - In August we're heading North - a return visit to Orkney, to spend time on the isles of Sanday, Rousay and the Orkney mainland. We'll be staying at The Space on Rousay - a studio in a converted chapel - we'll be working on a writing and recording project, and doing a 'live broadcast' on the evening of 16th August. We hope you can join us! Here are some picture of the island and the studio...
Pianoscapes - June 28th
June 28th: 'Pianoscapes'was a blast. Thanks to those who came to support 'live music' in these curious times. Apart from some 'schoolboy errors' near the start - the psychological pressure of undertaking 'The Three Fates', leading to (1) losing my place on the score (first 'flute' section of 'Clotho'), (2) putting the sheet music I was about to play on the floor and then having to retrieve it, all during a segue (start of 'Lachesis'), (3) sustain pedal slipping away from me during crucial moments (end of 'Lachesis') - apart from these gremlins ('The Three Gremlins'?) I was very happy with how the music unfolded! Ah, the joys of live performance!
The concert can be viewed here:
The concert can be viewed here:
June 22nd: With performances being few and far between, I'm looking forward to 'Pianoscapes' this coming weekend. It seems that whole-tone scales and augmented triads have been the name of the game for some time now, for me... Not only in the various versions of Satie's 'Vexations' that have been going around - Igor Levit's marathon 15-hour solo performance, and Kathy Hinde's monthly 'Lockdown Vexations' , in which I've been taking part - but also in the work of Keith Emerson, whose music I always seem to be working on in one way or another. After last months 'Tarkus' excerpt, this time I'm dusting down 'The Three Fates', from the first ELP album. I've written about this and related paraphernalia in a blog that can be read on this website, under the Menu tab above, 'Testimonials Plus'. Do go and have a read!
L o c k d o w n . . .
18th May: Looks like the Lockdown isn't set to be lifted any day soon...
Lessons and choirs all continuing online; (mostly) daily Covid Sessions performance posts are still going up online, for your pleasure (see Youtube channel).
Check out our new Vocal High video - our unique arrangement of 'Treasure' -
Lessons and choirs all continuing online; (mostly) daily Covid Sessions performance posts are still going up online, for your pleasure (see Youtube channel).
Check out our new Vocal High video - our unique arrangement of 'Treasure' -
The previous Pianoscapes gig (April 26th) can be found here -
2nd April: Strange times... all lessons, choirs, concerts are now online, as Covid 19 scours the land. I've been doing daily performances on Youtube since March 23rd - they can all be found on my Youtube channel in the 'Covid Sessions' playlist (click on one of the vids below and it'll take you there). Content is a mix of my own transcriptions, compositions and improvisations, and anything else that takes my fancy (and the occasional request!). Enjoy!
There was also a Pianoscapes concert last Sunday (March 29), which was well-attended - thank you! The next ones will be on April 26th and May 24th...
And Vocal High rehearsals have continued due to the power of 'Zoom' technology! We had some fun making our own little video this week... |
P r e - C o r o n a N e w s
March 8th: Amazing day on Saturday 7th - Paula and I hosted a workshop with the wonderful Guille Rozenthuler, vocalist and improviser, who led a day of circlesinging workshops. The morning session was aimed at vocal leaders who wish to learn stategies for this kind of work; the afternoon was for our lovely ensemble Vocal High to experience the joy of spontaeous composition. Great fun had by all. One of the more mesmeric moments can be heard by clicking on the Youtube link opposite... |
February 19th: I'm having fun putting together new programmes of wideranging music for 'Pianoscapes' (see separate page on this website) alongside helping my piano student cohort prepare for March's exams... And I'm hoping that as many of my students as possible will come along to my PIANO DAY event at the Elgar School of Music on March 27th! It's a great opportunity to meet and play together, and on a fine grand piano too... PIANO DAY as a concept is a fine idea launched by Nils Frahm and celebrating all things piano - find out more here - www.pianoday.org
I'll be giving a free recital at The Firs (Elgar's Birthplace) on May 16th - a programme of music by English composers, featuring music by William Baines, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Howard Skempton, Keith Emerson, Rosemary Duxbury and yours truly. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/the-firs/features/music-at-the-firs
I'll be giving a free recital at The Firs (Elgar's Birthplace) on May 16th - a programme of music by English composers, featuring music by William Baines, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Howard Skempton, Keith Emerson, Rosemary Duxbury and yours truly. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/the-firs/features/music-at-the-firs
Work has re-commenced on THE SEA, the second Seeing 2 Sound production with actor Edward Pinner. Music development is underway and hopefully the show will go live in the second half of 2020. I'm also recording compositions for a CD release this year - this will include my Suite for Cello, 3 Tynee Pieces for cello & piano and new vocal music and piano music. If all goes according to plan, there will also be a proper release of the accordion ambient loop recordings made 20 years ago (previously known as 'The Cat Melodeon') - at last!
Two other exciting collaborations are about to be underway: (1) a recording project in August - with 3 singers (and other instrumentalists yet to be confirmed) - we'll be recording at The Space, a studio on Rousay, Orkney (2) a collaboration with improvising ensemble SHOAL - www.shoalensemble.com. Details for these 2 projects will be revealed as they unfold...
Finally - aside from solo recitals, concerts for the next few months will include: an exciting gig with our fine ensemble Vocal High (21st March) - this is a charity fundraiser in collaboration with the Worcester Ukelele Club - and May 29th's Broadway concert accompanying The Avon Singers, which includes 'Sleep' by Eric Whitacre, Ola Gjeilo's 'Sunrise Mass' and other contemporary music. The new season of concerts with 'Tarantara' begins on 29th Feb (then on 14th and 28th March...)
Two other exciting collaborations are about to be underway: (1) a recording project in August - with 3 singers (and other instrumentalists yet to be confirmed) - we'll be recording at The Space, a studio on Rousay, Orkney (2) a collaboration with improvising ensemble SHOAL - www.shoalensemble.com. Details for these 2 projects will be revealed as they unfold...
Finally - aside from solo recitals, concerts for the next few months will include: an exciting gig with our fine ensemble Vocal High (21st March) - this is a charity fundraiser in collaboration with the Worcester Ukelele Club - and May 29th's Broadway concert accompanying The Avon Singers, which includes 'Sleep' by Eric Whitacre, Ola Gjeilo's 'Sunrise Mass' and other contemporary music. The new season of concerts with 'Tarantara' begins on 29th Feb (then on 14th and 28th March...)
Excelsa Voces - this weekend
December 11th: Well, tomorrow is - hopefully- the beginning of 'The Revolution...'! And what better way to acknowledge hope, and to celebrate beauty, than through music and shared transcendence? This weekend I'll be playing 2 gigs with our amazing Excelsa Voces, who will deliver what they promise (unlike most political parties) - on Friday, at St Faith's in Overbury, and on Saturday at the Callow Great Hall in Stanbrook Abbey. Both gigs are selling furiously, so be quick - seats are limited. We were setting lights for the Stanbrook Abbey gig tonight, so here's a taster...
'Tis Still the Season...
December 10th: I'm working my way through a long list of concerts (11 or so between Nov 29th and Dec 21st)... great gigs with our lovely Vocal High, with Tarantara and with Avon Singers... and of course with our wonderful ensemble Excelsa Voces, last Friday at the Guild Chapel in Stratford. There are 2 more Excelsa Voces concerts this coming weekend and I can't recommend them highly enough - although I would say that (and if you don't want to take my word for it, ask Mr Fripp!). See www.excelsavoces.com for details. Meanwhile, here are some photos from the past few weeks...
'Tis the Season...
November 8th: Thus it begins... the long-awaited 'Tarantara Goes Pop' event happens tomorrow - it's sold out, so if you want to see the choir you'll need to book tickets for December! More imminently, our very own VOCAL HIGH's 'Winter Warmer' will be happening at the Fleece on 29 Nov - unmissable! - and of course our Excelsa Voces concerts in December promise to be magical events - see www.excelsavoces.com for details. December also features The Avon Singers 'Stars' concert, featuring gorgeous music by Erik Esenvalds and Eric Whitacre, and then there's Pianoscapes on Dec 1st... phew!
Pianos students: bear with me, you WILL get your lessons, but perhaps not always at the usual time..!
Pianos students: bear with me, you WILL get your lessons, but perhaps not always at the usual time..!
October 22nd: Looking forward to 'Pianoscapes' at Elmslie House this coming Sunday: possibilities of the music of Mussorgsky, Herbie Hancock, Robert Fripp, Mendelssohn - and maybe even Hans Otte - on the menu! www.elmsliehouse.co.uk/2019/09/17/pianoscapes-sunday-afternoons-at-elmslie-house/
October 1st: PRESS RELEASE - 'Heavenly Peace' descends next weekend as a visiting choir from Germany perform alongside celebrated local ensemble Excelsa Voces. The Buxtehude-Chor, from Bad Odesloe, near Hamburg, are celebrating their centenary year with 2 concerts in England - in Inkberrow, and in Stratford-upon-Avon. They are joined by Excelsa Voces, described by Robert Fripp of King Crimson as 'outstanding', a vocal quintet led by soprano Paula Evans, who have been building a solid fan base in the West Midlands with their ethereal and spiritually uplifting music. Specialising in both Early and Modern music, Excelsa Voces have been increasingly in demand, with frequent performances in Stratford-upon-Avon, Pershore Abbey, Tewkesbury Abbey and Edinburgh. The music for the evening will include works by the Medieval mystic Hildegard of Bingen, Palestrina and contemporary composers Gavin Bryars and Patrick Hawes, as well as music by Mendelssohn and Rheinberger and movements from Karl Jenkins' 'The Peacemakers'. Be prepared for an immersive experience, promising to be both visually and musically stimulating.
The performances are at 7.30 on Friday 4th October(St Peter's Church, Inkberrow) and Saturday 5th (Holy Trinity Church, Stratford). Tickets cost between £5 and £10 and can be booked online at www.excelsavoces.com/ . Proceeds are for the Tracey Sollis Leukemia Trust and the Inkberrow Church Roof Fund.
The performances are at 7.30 on Friday 4th October(St Peter's Church, Inkberrow) and Saturday 5th (Holy Trinity Church, Stratford). Tickets cost between £5 and £10 and can be booked online at www.excelsavoces.com/ . Proceeds are for the Tracey Sollis Leukemia Trust and the Inkberrow Church Roof Fund.
Following the above concerts, on SUNDAY 6th OCTOBER - I'll be peforming PIANOSCAPES at St. Andrew's Centre in Pershore (and again in Malvern on 27th):
September: It was a pleasure to play at the wedding of N & P in Pershore Abbey on 21st, along with our ensembles Vocal High and Exclesa Voces - avery special occasion. Earlier in the month, we had a great 'Pianoscapes' on 1st September - poet Ben Ray joined me for an hour of poetry and piano music, and a lovely audience shared this wideranging programme.
31st July - my last gig of this term took place last Saturday - an evening of 20th & 21st century music for cello & piano, with Tom McMahon. A lovely audience, a lovely venue (Elmslie House in Malvern)... and great to know that August is free! - for 'taking stock' and for writing the next round of arrangements and compositions... Goodbye for a few weeks!
21st July - A couple of pix from the weekend of gigs with our fabbo choir 'Vocal High' -
1st July - In addition to playing for the 2 choirs 'Tarantara' and 'Avon Singers', in Norfolk and in Evesham respectively, there are 3 unmissable events this month - our own choir VOCAL HIGH in Pershore (19th), and then again (on the 20th) in Worcester onstage with the Spooky Men's Chorale (from Australia)! Go to www.vocalhigh.com for info / tickets. And on the 27th, a special evening making music with Tom McMahon (cello) at Elmslie House in Malvern - featuring new transcriptions and compositions by me alongside amazing music by Olivier Messiaen, Joby Talbot, Mark Anthony Turnage and others. get tickets, come along and listen and share the love...
Performances in June & July
See the 'Pianoscapes' page for venue details etc; see the websites of Elmslie House, Vocal High, Tarantara and Avon Singers for more details (go to 'Links' page on this website)
'Tarantara' CD now available!
18 fine tracks with yours truly on piano - no musiclover's library is complete without a copy! Get yours at a 'Tarantara' concert' (see post above for dates!) or check it out on Spotify...
EXELSA VOCES in concert - Friday 17th May
Fabulous evening of music with this fine ensemble, at the gorgeous Guild Chapel in Stratford-upon-Avon. www.excelsavoces.com
"April Is The Coolest Month"...
...and not least because of the music. Last weekend - a fine evening accompanying the Avon Singers, with Selina Strings & soprano Rachel Milestone... and a standing ovation. This weekend (13th/14th) there's 2 fab gigs - Vocal High at The Fleece on Saturday, and Pianoscapes in Malvern on Sunday. And don't forget to put May 17th in your diary - the first Excelsa Voces gig of 2019 is going to be a stunner...
Gigs In March

It's been a great month for gigs - the first Pianoscapes at Elmslie House in Malvern, and a lovely turnout for the most recent Pershore event (see 'Pianoscapes' page for pix)... Plus a full house and standing ovation for Tarantara last weekend in Alcester. And not forgetting the recent workshop for Vocal High at Worcester Cathedral - amazing free improvisation by our singers, in the beautiful acoustic chamber that is the Chapter House...
'Pianoscapes' goes to Poland
Feb 22nd: Still enjoying the afterglow of my Warsaw concert at The College of Europe last Sunday. A very enthusiastic audience of international students were treated to a programme ranging from music by Keith Jarrett, Bill Evans, Nils Frahm and yours truly, to Bach, Chopin (of course!), Gurdjieff and Scarlatti. Lovely feedback, including the comment 'Your concert was a moment of pure joy". Warsaw is a beautiful city and we hope to return soon... Meanwhile, 'Pianoscapes UK' goes on! - The Malvern Series begins on March 10th and the next Pershore performance is March 24th. See the 'Pianoscapes' page on this website.
To and From Warsaw
A great Pianoscapes concert on 27th January, featuring a flying visit from Warsaw - Ben (Son #1) came along to read a poem from his new collection, accompanied by yours truly on synth (there's a video on the 'Pianoscapes' page of this website). I'm excited to be 'returning the favour' later this month - a piano concert in Warsaw on 17th Feb. And also excited about the '2nd strand' of Pianoscape concerts, at Elmslie House in Malvern, which begin in March. Dates on the 'What's On' page. (Photo below - of Ben & I - by Sean Long).
Sea-ing is Believing...
20th January: An inspiring weekend with colleague and good friend Ed (Pinner), plotting the new Seeing 2 Sound production. Called 'Sea', it will take in all manner of things watery and oceanic... Here's a taster - one of the first recordings that we made together, which may well feature in the show...
2019 gets underway
6th January: Great day on Saturday, recording at Tardebigge Church with Tarantara for their new CD. 19 songs recorded in 6 hours: that must be some kind of record?? (pun intended!)
Here Comes 2019...
These last few days of December have seen a flurry of piano-related activity, as new music and inspirations come flying in from all directions. Music by John White, The Bad Plus, Adam Tendler, Jonathan Dove... the list is a long one and there is much listening (and practice!) to be done. Alongside this I'm composing (for Excelsa Voces), transcribing (Chilly Gonzales) and recording (a number of backing tracks for The Worcester Pavarotti - Luke Swatman)... Lots going on, and still another week before the teaching re-commences - I have Time!
Winter Performances
November & December bring the annual round of Christmas concerts - with Tarantara and Avon Singers - but also some of my own: 3 Pianoscapes concerts, 2 exciting winter gigs with Excelsa Voces and the 'Winter Warmer' with our lovely choir Vocal High. See the 'What's On' page for details. Coming in 2019: music for cello & piano with Tom McMahon, and the next Seeing2Sound production with EP...
Excelsa Voces @ Tewkesbury Abbey - Fripp/Keeling premiere
22nd September: a fabulous night on Saturday, presenting our programme of contemporary and medieval music to an audience of c.350 spellbound listeners at Tewkesbury Abbey. World premiere of Robert Fripp / Andrew Keeling's 'Pie Jesu', plus performances of 'Lux' by Andrew Smith (who travelled from Norway to be there!) and music by Gavin Bryars, Whitacre, Hildegard, Fripp & Eno, Meredith Monk, Lauridsen... and music by yours truly. A very warm glow and a humbling experience. These fab pics by Max Nutbeem (Instagram: m_nutbeem)
Excelsa Voces 'in the round'
Friday 7th September: Last night at The Nest, Ledbury - a lovely audience, for a wonderful concert by the girls - albeit in a rather dry & challenging acoustic (or lack of...!). One email - 'Just got back from the yurt... really enjoyed tonight...liked the mix of music and your enthusiasm, not to mention lovely voices! Thank you"
From Landscapes to Pianoscapes
2nd September: after 10 days in the Outer Hebrides, on Uist and Berneray, I'm ready for the new term. A gig on Thursday 6th at The Nest, Ledbury, with Excelsa Voces, and then the big one on September 22nd at Tewkesbury Abbey (see www.excelsavoces.com for info, tickets etc). Equally importantly: the next round of Pianoscapes concerts, starting on 4th November!
If Music be the Food of Love...
Monday 13th August: Another very enjoyable lunchtime recital at Holland House, Cropthorne. On the menu: Elgar, Bach, Brubeck, Grieg, Byrd, Bill Evans, Francis Monkman and yours truly. Nice to see they've had the piano tuned - this made a 3-keyboard presentation possible! Here's me (before the audience arrives); next piano recital here: 19th October. See www.hollandhouse.org/
Live Soundtrack - Berlin
9 August: this week in Berlin has been great! Devising, then performing, a live soundtrack to the amazing cult film 'Penda's Fen' (David Rudkin & Alan Clarke), at the Brotsfabrik Kino in Caligariplatz. Lovely to work with old friend Hilary Jeffrey (trombone & electronics) and new friend Gianpaulo Peres (voice): the start of more collaborations, I hope!
Excelsa Voces at Edinburgh Festival
3rd August: 2 concerts at the Edinburgh Fringe - a lunchtime recital with Tom, and then the long-awaited evening event with Excelsa Voces and the premieres of my piece 'Logos', and the Robert Fripp/Andrew Keeling piece 'Pie Jesu'. A great response from the audience and a cracking weekend of music at the Festival. Looking forward to the Tewkesbury Abbey concert!
Treading the boards at Symphony Hall
16th June: Amazing to play for Tarantara in Birmingham Symphony Hall tonight...
VOCAL HIGH gigs coming your way
13th June: The choir are limbering up for our 2 gigs - June 29th and July 13th. They arte both going to be rather special, so get those dates in your diary and check out this rehearsal recording of 'The Rocky Road to Dublin'!
Mr Fripp approves!
7th June: Mr Fripp [King Crimson etc] seems to like the 2 recordings I sent him: a demo we've put together of the first section of 'Pie Jesu', and a recording of the improv from our Guild Chapel concert. Great! - so full steam ahead then, for the September 22nd premiere at Tewksesbury Abbey. Tickets now on sale - www.excelsavoces.com
Excelsa Voces @Guild Chapel
11th May - a wonderful concert with Excelsa Voces [www.excelsavoces.com] at the Guild Chapel. A very appreciative audience of c.50, and a fabulous review for the Stratford Herald -
From 'Oklahoma' to the Celestial vaults...
30th April 2018: Just finished a successful week at the Palace Theatre, Redditch with SOS and their enthusiastic production of 'Oklahoma'. Now limbering up for 2 exciting Excelsa Voces gigs: St Saviour's Church, Tetbury, on Friday 4th May, and the Guild Chapel in Stratford on Friday 11th. Guest artists -Tom McMahon (cello) and Emma Whitcroft (flute). Don't miss these unique and unforgettable concerts!
Robert Fripp's 'Pie Jesu' and Excelsa Voces concerts - May 2018
Exciting times ahead as rehearsals and preparations for the Excelsa Voces performances continue. Gigs in Tetbury and Stratford in May, and then the premiere of Fripp & Keeling's 'Pie Jesu' at Edinburgh Festival and Tewkesbury later in the summer. Read about it at www.excelsavoces.com and on the King Crimson website - www.dgmlive.com/news/Pie%20Jesu%20performed
'From the Tyne To the Delta' - cello / piano recital- March 23rd
A great night was had last Friday at the Elgar School of Music in Worcester: Tom and I presented the debut of our folk-inspired programme, 'From the Tyne to the Delta', to a lovely appreciative audience. Fave moments for me included 'The Burren No 1', a piano piece penned by me in 1989 (imagine that!); the Vaughan Williams '6 Studies'; Joby Talbot's 'February'; and Tom's stonking encore, 'Julie-O'. We're hoping to get more gigs for this show before the year is out - watch this space.
Tewkesbury Abbey - First Excelsa Voces concert of 2018!
March 9th - today Excelsa Voces, plus yours truly & our good friend Tom McMahon (cello), presented a taster of 'Musica Celestis' in the Abbey at Tewkesbury. What an incredible place to make music, and what a privelege to be there doing it. To an audience of c.70 we presented a programme of early & contemporary music which was very well recieved! More gigs coming in May, and work on the Robert Fripp / Andrew Keeling soundscape 'Pie Jesu' is well underway too: exciting times. I'm also preparing for the recital with Tom in Worcester (23rd March) which is a fantastic programme of traditonal-music inspired pieces from a variety of cultures - including a fantastic blues by American composer Carter Pann, gamelan-inspired music by Lou Harrison, English folksong arrangements by Vaughan Williams and Yours Truly, and more...
There's also the prospect of doing a live film soundtrack in Berlin later this year with fantabulous improviser (and long-time collaborator) Hilary Jeffrey, who operates the Tromboscillator... yes please to that.
There's also the prospect of doing a live film soundtrack in Berlin later this year with fantabulous improviser (and long-time collaborator) Hilary Jeffrey, who operates the Tromboscillator... yes please to that.
Into 2018!
January 30th 2018: Back to a busy timetable of piano teaching plus the 4 evenings of choirs - plus some very exciting performance projects. Excelsa Voces - we've got potential gigs lined up at the Edinburgh Festival and Galway Early Music Festival, and maybe Tewkesbury Abbey too.... programme will hopefully include a special arrangement by composer Andrew Keeling, of a Robert Fripp 'soundscape', tailor-made for our ensemble - wow!! Plus music by Wim Mertens, fingers crossed... and one or two of my own bits'n'bobs...
Before then - a recital with cellist Tom McMahon in March; Pianoscapes 5, 6 & 7, and some gigs with our fabulous choir Vocal High. In June Tarantara will be performing at Symphony Hall, Birmingham - which means I'll be playing piano to that vast auditorum - looking forward to that one!
Last Sunday (28th) saw the first 'Piano Sharing' with some of my private students - a lovely hour with great performances by Alex, Nik and Amy (her own composition) - photo below - followed by a well-attended 'Pianoscapes 4' - see separate page on this website.
Before then - a recital with cellist Tom McMahon in March; Pianoscapes 5, 6 & 7, and some gigs with our fabulous choir Vocal High. In June Tarantara will be performing at Symphony Hall, Birmingham - which means I'll be playing piano to that vast auditorum - looking forward to that one!
Last Sunday (28th) saw the first 'Piano Sharing' with some of my private students - a lovely hour with great performances by Alex, Nik and Amy (her own composition) - photo below - followed by a well-attended 'Pianoscapes 4' - see separate page on this website.